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Njika Sparks

Njika Sparks

Njika Sparks is a specialized 8-week digital accelerator program, meticulously designed to support and propel African-founded early-stage tech startups in the entertainment industry. Recognizing the burgeoning potential of African innovation, the program is not limited by industry constraints or business models, casting a wide net to capture diverse entrepreneurial talent.

Program Structure
Selected founders will embark on an intensive journey marked by expert mentoring, personalized coaching, and comprehensive workshops. Njika Sparks paves a path for founders to navigate the challenges of startup growth while positioning them in front of a network of esteemed investors and funding opportunities.

Participants are immersed in a collaborative and dynamic ecosystem, culminating in a Demo Day where they will present their business models to a panel of seasoned investors.

African Creatives and Entainters =

Untapped creativity and
investment opportunities.

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The Njika Sparks Advantage

Mentorship: Access to industry leaders and experienced entrepreneurs.
Coaching: Tailored sessions to refine strategy, operations, and pitch delivery.
Workshops: Skill-building workshops that cover the spectrum of startup needs.
Investor Access: Exposure to a diverse pool of investors and funding mechanisms.
Demo Day: A platform to showcase vision and progress to potential investors.
Global Community: Join a network of like-minded entrepreneurs and creatives.
Investment Potential: Opportunity to secure early funding and validate business concepts.

Global Reach and Cohort Dynamics
Reflecting the global influence of African creativity, Njika Sparks operates across multiple cities worldwide. Each city witnesses the selection of 10 startups per cohort, ensuring focused attention and a bespoke growth experience.

Investment and Growth Opportunity
Emphasizing its commitment to fostering success, Njika Sparks is not merely a program but a partnership. The accelerator offers a substantive investment of $20,000 for the three most promising startups in each cohort. This investment, made in exchange for a modest 2% equity stake, is structured through a Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE), offering a streamlined and founder-friendly approach to early-stage investment.

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