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Sing IT Africa

Sing IT Africa

SING IT AFRICA, SIA is a pan-African innovative music competition that aims to showcase the talent and diversity of African music. The competition will be open to all African artists, regardless of genre or style.

SIA will be held annually and will culminate in a grand finale concert in a major African city. The winner of SIA will receive a cash prize, a recording contract, a trip to an African tourist destination and a promotional tour.

SING-IT-AFRICA is a project with a vision to give undiscovered and aspiring artists the opportunity to get heard and seen. It’s also a platform where aspiring artists compete for a chance to win prize money as well as the opportunity of working with renowned industry experts while taking a shot at stardom, popularity and fame.

SING-IT-AFRICA seeks to be Africa's most innovative competition where undiscovered and passionate artists come to display their magic and share their music talents with the world. Sometimes big dreams pay off. If you've ever dreamt of performing for thousands and winning a record deal, SING IT AFRICA is the biggest digital initiative that searches for raw and unsigned talent in Africa.

No Audition, No Screening, No Rules, just bring out your all in just one song. All genres are welcome in this music competition, and acts can perform covers or their original songs.

“SING IT AFRICA” will give African acts from all over the world the chance to compete, receive music industry feedback and grow to be the best on the mic and stage.

The participants will be chosen following a rigorous selection process by THE ORACLES. The selected individuals will move further in the competition to win grand prizes. This show is designed to be entertaining, exciting, engaging and rewarding.

Contestants will canvass for votes online by way of posting their videos on their social media pages and asking their friends, family and fans to go to the SIA page to vote for them. Their votes combined with the input of our in-house producers, determines which participant will advance to the next stage from week to week, for 15 weeks, until a winner is crowned "KING OR QUEEN OF THE SIA NATION”.

If you've got the talent, we've got the stage


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Why Sing IT Africa

To increase investment in music education in Africa. This would provide more young people with the opportunity to learn about music and develop their skills. Additionally, partnering with governments and music organizations to create more opportunities for exposure and promotion of African music. This could include funding music festivals and other events, as well as providing financial support to African musicians.

To support the development of local music industries. This would allow African musicians to have more control over their music and how it is distributed. Additionally, it would create jobs and boost the economy in African countries.

Finally, SING IT AFRICA will help catalyze African musicians to also take advantage of the internet to promote their music and reach a wider audience.

With SIA, we will be addressing the challenges facing African music talents, while helping to ensure that the rich and diverse sounds of Africa continue to be heard around the world one African Artiste at a time.

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